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Outline of Series

1. Truth

How can you say Jesus is the only way to God? 

Isn’t  each religion equally valid? 

Shouldn’t religion be a private matter?

2. Suffering

How can a good God allow suffering?

Why is there so much evil in the world?

3. Freedom

What gives the Church the right to tell me what to do?

Why are there so many rules?

4. Injustice

Why is the Church responsible for so much injustice?

Why are Christians such hypocrites?

How can a good God send people to Hell?

5. Bible and Science

Hasn’t science disproved Christianity?

How can you take the Bible Literally?

6. Life of Faith

What is faith?

How does faith develop?

How do we live by faith?

7. Developing Faith

What strengthens faith?

What weakens faith?

How do we test faith?

8. Mystery of the Heart

What is the Mystery of the Heart

How to awaken the Heart

Building up the Heart


9. Prayer

Building up the Heart by Vigilance and Prayer

Prayer as Infinite Creation

10. Death

Fear of God


11. Peace and Love

Saint Silouan of Mount Athos

12. TBD

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